NekoBotV1Rev is an auto exploit tool to facilitate the penetration of one or many websites (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Opencart,and Etc).
Features :
[+] Wordpress :
1- Cherry-Plugin 2- download-manager Plugin 3- wysija-newsletters 4- Slider Revolution [Revslider] 5- gravity-forms 6- userpro 7- wp-gdpr-compliance 8- wp-graphql 9- formcraft 10- Headway 11- Pagelines Plugin 12- WooCommerce-ProductAddons 13- CateGory-page-icons 14- addblockblocker 15- barclaycart 16- Wp 4.7 Core Exploit 17- eshop-magic 18- HD-WebPlayer 19- WP Job Manager 20- wp-miniaudioplayer 21- wp-support-plus 22- ungallery Plugin 23- WP User Frontend 24- Viral-options 25- Social Warfare 26- jekyll-exporter 27- cloudflare plugin 28- realia plugin 29- woocommerce-software 30- enfold-child Theme 31- contabileads plugin 32- prh-api plugin 33- dzs-videogallery plugin 34- mm-plugin 35- Wp-Install 36- Auto BruteForce
[+] Joomla
1- Com_adsmanager 2- Com_alberghi 3- Com_CCkJseblod 4- Com_extplorer 5- Com_Fabric 6- Com_facileforms 7- Com_Hdflvplayer 8- Com_Jbcatalog 9- Com_JCE 10- Com_jdownloads 11- Com_Joomanager 12- Com_Macgallery 13- Com_media 14- Com_Myblog 15- Com_rokdownloads 16- Com_s5_media_player 17- Com_SexyContactform 18- Joomla core 3.x RCE 19- Joomla core 3.x RCE [2019] 20 - Joomla Core 3.x Admin Takeover 21 - Auto BruteForce 22 - Com_b2jcontact 23 - Com_bt_portfolio 24 - Com_civicrm 25 - Com_extplorer 26 - Com_facileforms 27 - Com_FoxContent 28 - Com_jwallpapers 29 - Com_oziogallery 30 - Com_redmystic 31 - Com_simplephotogallery 32 - megamenu module 33 - mod_simplefileuploadv1
[+] Drupal :
1- Drupal Add admin geddon1 2- Drupal RCE geddon2 3- Drupal 8 RCE RESTful 4- Drupal mailchimp 5- Drupal php-curl-class 6- BruteForce 7- Drupal SQL Add Admin 8- Drupal 7 RCE 9- bartik 10- Avatarafd Config 11- Drupal 8 12- Drupal Default UserPass
[+] Magento :
1- Shoplift 2- Magento Default user pass
[+] Oscommerce
1- OsCommerce Core 2.3 RCE Exploit opencart
[+] OTHER :
1- Env Exploit 2- SMTP CRACKER 3- CV
DOWNLOAD - [Your windows defender can treat it as a virus]
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