rittick12 https://codecanyon.net/item/fluxstore-woocommerce-flutter-ecommerce-full-app/24050041?irgwc=1&clickid=Qf2QrDTOQxyLURZwUx0Mo3QqUkB1EBX0UxgT2c0&iradid=275988&irpid=1317510&iradtype=ONLINE_TRACKING_LINK&irmptype=mediapartner&mp_value1=&utm_campaign=af_impact_radius_1317510&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=impact_radius
anonymoususer200040222 Cprogrammer48 Wow thanks bro. so you are saying no need to activate license code on the files right woooooww
atlonxp Cprogrammer48 Is it possible to send the link via private/direct message? I got project to work from it
Cprogrammer48 atlonxp I can’t do that sorry, I had purchased that in my name and if I shared that it’ll be against the terms and author has all the rights to sue me so I won’t do that. Try requesting for other possible links
Zak Ticketing System Software Using ASP.NET Core 5 MVC - Full Source Code by fadisahioun (codecanyon.net)
Zak https://codecanyon.net/item/smarterp-business-erp-solution-product-shop-company-management/29530248
Zak https://codecanyon.net/item/net-6-mvc-with-adminlte-starter-kit-authentication-user-management/41673756
AbhishekSoni AbhishekSoni @Cprogrammer48 Could you please share the license key for the item via DM which you purchased
AbhishekSoni @Cprogrammer48 **I’ll be so much thankful to you…If you can provide me this script…… I really appreciate any help you can provide. https://codecanyon.net/item/sumowebtools-online-web-tools-script/34704474**
jackofall Cprogrammer48 https://codecanyon.net/item/grupo-pro-chat-room-script/25263116 thanks in adance
CalvinWise Cprogrammer48 Hey there! I’m not quite sure why, but it looks like the script may be a bit outdated and not up-to-date with the latest version. I’m really sorry about that. I just tend to be a little cautious 😬when it comes to downloading the free thing
Cprogrammer48 CalvinWise Send me the link to this post so that I can contact the author about this issue…
YetaUta Can i get hands on this script? Thanks in advance .. https://codecanyon.net/item/stockifly-billing-inventory-management-with-pos/36768843
else https://codecanyon.net/item/bulk-category-importexport-magento-2/22369726 Please I need this . thanks