- Right-click, click inspect
- click console next to elements
- Click the little clear thing on the top left of the inspect page that came up, put the code in, enter, then clear again.
- start video chatting and it will start getting pulled
Code -
window.oRTCPeerConnection = window.oRTCPeerConnection || window.RTCPeerConnection
window.RTCPeerConnection = function(...args) {
const pc = new window.oRTCPeerConnection(...args)
pc.oaddIceCandidate = pc.addIceCandidate
pc.addIceCandidate = function(iceCandidate, {
const fields = iceCandidate.candidate.split(' ')
if (fields[7] === 'srflx') {
console.log('IP Address:', fields[4])
return pc.oaddIceCandidate(iceCandidate,
return pc
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