Hi every one

I need help ,i am using azure RDP with student subscription ,the problem is after i sign out from rdp and when i try to connect again’ after few hours’ it indicate that error as shown in the photo ,

i tried YouTube solutions didn’t work , i think there problem with configuration


    how can i solve it or how can i create one to use it for a long time?

    thank you for helping me ♥

      mdkiwist you cannot do it for such a long time. If you did this using bins ig that’s what you did) you will have to face such issues. Also, accounts doesn’t last long when you make them through binning.

      a year later

      I was having this issue while I was using the 200 threshold of Azure and I faced this exactly like you and I had some pain searching around So I saved the solution in a text file in a folder rdp but i removed Just contact me here give me temp access to the azure panel and I will show Anydesk bro or just send me pics however the way you want because it was a long time for that i tried to make an account with brother is credit card I tried with bins but I failed, if you want to help me in return I would be so glad