Go to https://www.opencccapply.net/cccapply-welcome?cccMisCode=233&user1=&user2=&user3=ft
Click “Create Account” and click “Being Creating My Account”
Now go to http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ and sign in with Google.
Go to advanced options and set the age to only 23 (23-23). Set the gender to whatever you want, and click generate.
Enter the data from the http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ into the Account Creation on the application.
Select “I don’t have a middle name”. Also select No for Previous name and No for Preferred Name. Also select None for Suffix
Copy the birthday from the fakenamegenerator (make sure the age is correct, year 1995)
Enter the SSN from the form, but don’t include the dashes, (just the numbers)
Click Continue
Get a trash email service (You NEED access to it) and enter that email in the email and email confirmation place.
Enter the phone number from fakenamegenerator with the dashes into the first number box and check the box under it.
Leave the second phone number blank.
Go to https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sacramento,+California,+USA/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x809ac672b28397f9:0x921f6aaa74197fdb?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjohtvDidTRAhVcGsAKHYh_BBQQ8gEIiQEwDw
Zoom in and click on a house in the red area
Click on the little box at the bottom with the street address that is shown
Enter the address shown on the left of google maps into the account creation forum
Click continue
Enter a random username, password, and pin. You won’t need to remember this info
Choose and answer security questions randomly, You dont need these.
Solve the captcha and click “Create my account”
Click continue
Click Start Application
Select a random term, and select undecided on both goal and major.
Select “My mailing address is the same as the Permanent Address in my OpenCCC Account above”
Click Continue
Select the gender of the name you used
Choose “No” for transgender and select heterosexual/straight
Select random educational levels
Select “No” for Hispanic or Latino
Only Select WHITE
Click Continue
Select First-time student in college (after leaving high school)
Select Received high school diploma from U.S. schoool
Select 21th of June, then the year before you are doing this (while im writing this, 2017)
Check Yes for both boxes
Select I attended high school, California, and Sacramento High.
Put 3.50-4.0 as GPA, and put random highest courses and grades corrolating to GPA
Select No degree and select no Colleges/Universities Attended (None)
Click Continue
Select US citizen and select No military status applies to me
Select Yes for California Residence and select no for everything else
Click continue
Select the follow answers in order: yes, no, no, no not interested. Then select random programs
Select English as primary language
Enter the phone number from fakenamegenerator as your cell phone number (without dashes)
Select 3.50 and above as GPA
Select 0 as number of college units
Select US for both options for additional citizenship info
Select random household income, random indiviuals and select none, not searching for employent
Select no for all options
Select no for learning disabilities and yes for work experience
Choose and answer security questions (REMEMBER THESE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS)
Click continue, click I consent, then continue again
Click “I have reviewed this application and confirm it is complete and accurate”
Check both boxes and click Submit My Application
You should get an email saying they got your application
Wait until they accept it (usually takes about 30 mins on work hours)
You should get an email saying they accepted it
Go to https://ps.losrios.edu/
Click the set new password button and copy the student id in the email to the box
Paste the student ID on the form
Enter the security questions from earlier
Enter the new password of your choice
Go to https://apps.losrios.edu
Click Los Rios Gmail
You have finished the guide! You are in your email account now. Your email address is w(studentID)@apps.losrios.edu