xa- Requirements : Free or paid domain. You can use freenom for a free domain. I prefer paid domains like .me/.network Free or paid hosting. Actually, you don’t need to pay to host for this. Bandwidth will be something like 20 kb per user. Downloads: Default: https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree Create Linktree Panel: https://github.com/AndrewMayes/Linktree-Clone Some more - https://github.com/BluemediaGER/social-linktree https://github.com/vdonoladev/my-linktree https://github.com/JohnEmerson1406/linktree#rocket-getting-started https://github.com/GuilhermeBalog/links https://github.com/sthefanyricardo/my-links https://github.com/digital195/linktree https://github.com/mrLuisFer/linktry How to do? Download the repository as .zip Import the .zip to the hosting through the hosting panel or Filezilla Extract the zip to the public_html folder. It’s basically done. Just change the info with yours with editing index.html You can edit the theme using style.css as well