Hello Everyone, I need your valuable advice before choosing a Programming language to start. I come from a non coding background but had studied a little bit of html, C and Ruby years ago [during school days as a curious kid]. I can’t recall the knowledge I had learned during my school days anymore after doing college and work.

I can see here many people are tech and language enthusiast so I hope people will give me some advice.

I want to make solid foundation so I am asking which one should I start. I watched multiple videos some are saying you should choose C over anything because it lays foundation and some are saying directly choose the language of the field you want to work. But many times advice and lectures of you tube feels like crap.

I want to go in field of Data so please give your valuable advice.

Thank You

    If you want go for the field of Data then Python is more relevant for your purpose. Python is the most used language in this field, and the R language as well.

    But I advise you, that you have to acquire some knowledge in Abstract Mathematics, mathematics in general, because this field handles a lot of mathematical statistics, if you don’t like maths then will suffer! Perhaps don’t, but if you have a desire to be a excellent professional them Maths is must! the same is valid for any programmer, math is base for all!

    Choose a book or course in DSA, Algorithms and study in parallel Discrete Mathematics and Python too.

    And don’t forget study Databases, chose one or two RDBMS, like Oracle, MongoDB, Postgresql etc. And pure SQL.

    Here some recomendations:

    Algorithms Book + Course: Algorithms Illuminated Series by Tim Roughgarden, - the séries of 4 books and have a complete free course in Coursera folowing the books.

    Book: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 8th Edition by Kenneth Rosen - The better book in this subject

    Book: Mathematics for Computer Science by Eric Lehman - Other book for Math, good too.

    For Python I don’t have any recomendation because I’m a Java programmer, don’t search for Phyton courses, but in the web you’ll find advices for better books and courses for Phyton.

    Good luck!

      Anubis Hello there, as you said, you want to go into the field of Data. So, as a Data Scientist, I would recommend you the Python programming language.

      Ques: Why python?

      Ans: User-friendly, easy to learn, versatile, rich in libraries, very strong & huge community, supports, a big list of python libraries for data science, and the list goes on.

      It has over 137,000 libraries. One of the reasons Python is so valuable to data science is its vast collection of data manipulation, data visualization, machine learning, and deep learning libraries. [Source]

      If you are interested and wanna play with data then there are a lot of things (must) to learn but you should start with these:

      You can find a lot of courses on this site only but you have to download them so I suggested you youtube courses as you can directly start watching, learning, and practicing coding. Later on, you can get some premium courses to enhance your skills.

      That’s all for the beginning.

      All the best.

      Note: This is my personal advice for you as a Data Scientist.

        AyrtonSenna Thank you Sir, It means a lot to me. I read a lot of Books [related to history, Philosophy and web novels ] so for books section I am confident. Your suggestions will help a lot and as for Mathematics, Although I am not in touch of Matrix and Calculus but I can say I was quite good in solving higher Mathematics but alas I chose something else for my studies. Now I will amend my mistake.

          bejil20479 Thanks Sir for your valuable suggestion. I will watch the videos and understand the concepts so that I can apply them and try to do some projects as well.

          I will try to get an internship after learning the knowledge for implementation. Although changing the career will be hard but I assume If I perform well they will accept me.

          Thanks Again :)

            Anubis For mathematics - linear algebra (matrix and other stuff) this course from MIT by Professor Gilbert Strang is one of the best courses. His way of teaching is amazing.

            Anubis Yes, Internships will help you a lot as you will be working on real-world problems. And do projects + upload them on GitHub with good documentation because you have to show your work and skills. Companies/Recruiters look into git accounts of good applicants to seek their way of writing codes and implementing algorithms.

            21 days later

            bejil20479 Sir, Can I have ur Discord Or telegram Id. There are some questions which is little odd and not suitable to ask here?