Our Hosting server was under attack (DDOS) and because of that our hosting provider cut off the internet for the entire server. Attack was for 2-3 days and Now it’s okay after changing some configs.
Still, there is no guarantee But let’s hope for the Best.

Sorry for the inconvenience guys.

    xa- You found something to prevent those attacks in future?

    • xa- replied to this.


      Currently we use cloudflare to prevent site from DDoS but the attack was on server …. It is hosting company’s fault.

      • Bad likes this.

      Thanks for the hard work and keeping this amazing site works

      Good to see you guys back.. Thanks a lot guys

      • xa- likes this.

      Which hosting you use on this site? Hostinger?

      • xa- replied to this.

        Thanks a ton for keeping this site alive 👍

        • xa- likes this.

        Thanks for making this site alive again !

        • xa- likes this.