
  • /rss: feed with the last discussions with activity (the / page as an Atom/rss feed);

  • /rss/discussions: feed with the newly created discussions in the forum;

  • /rss/t/tag: feed with the last discussions in the given tag (the /t/tag page as an Atom/rss feed);

  • /rss/t/tag/discussions: feed with the newly created discussions in the given tag;

  • /rss/d/21-discussion-slug: feed with the recent posts in the given discussion.

You can replace rss by atom in the URLs above to get atom feeds instead.

You can also add ?sort=latest|top|newest|oldest to the discussions lists feeds to sort the feed, and ?q=<search> to filter it. Or both using ?sort=<sorting>&q=<search>.

Feeds are linked in the pages for autodiscovery. This said, they are not dynamically updated as the page change (except when fully reloaded), earlier because of this Firefox bug, and now because even Firefox no longer display RSS feeds in the browser.