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Does anybody have geeksforgeeks DSA self paced course pls send me

share me your discord id i’ll do it

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

    Zak try another browser and maybe try using a vpn maybe that’ll work

    • Zak replied to this.
    • Zak likes this.

      Zak for this to work you need to have a skillshare account and then open the course you want on that account copy it’s url and paste it on hecker

        for this just copy-paste the course number on the URL that’s all




        bak34 The link is not stable and Thank you for your help.

        BlindS8ul The link is not stable and Thank you for your help.

        a month later

        it’s gonna get fixed anytime soon ?

        its working I wish I can select quality

        working for me good trick

        Thank you for sharing, it’s great.

        8 days later