Do u have UPDATED Udacity React NANODEGREE available ? 2021 to 2022 VERSION.
I have old one. There are significant changes made in an update around 2021.
This is the date on Udacity courses uploaded on THIS site MEGA upload : => 2020-10-07 14:05:30
This is the OLD one (2019 version Uploaded in 2020) I am HAVING. I DOWNLOADED this course from your link that WAS posted in Udacity courses thread a few days ago. I am learning from it since some days but AFTER the BASICS its much of things are used very RARELY and are REPLACED by some other things, in INDUSTRY . This is a VERY VERY EXCELLENT course but PROBLEM is that This is the OLDER version. Now in NEWER COURSE, udacity has been shifted to functional components (a programming term) instead of class components (old one) which is a different approach to Work in React.
Therefore UPDATED version is needed gravely