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  • Download Data Structure and Algorithms - For Big Tech Interviews Free

Learn Data Structure And Algorithms and Write code that run faster, use less memory and prepare for Software

What you’ll learn from : Data Structure And Algorithms – For Big Tech Interviews

  • Write code that run faster, and use less memory

  • Prepare for job interview

  • Learn Data Structure and how to apply these Data Structures on problems in Java

  • Learn algorithms analysis and implementation.

  • Learn problem solving strategies

  • Learn how to find complexity of code and algorithms


  • No previous programming experience is required! I will give you free Java course if you do not have programming experiences with any programming languages

  • You will need a computer running Microsoft Windows, or Linux, or a Mac running OS X.

Description :

This course prepared depending on my real Software Engineer job interviews experiences with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Snapchat.

In this course you will learn how to Analysis algorithms like Sorting, Searching,  and Graph algorithms. And how to reduce the code complexity from one Big-O  level to another level. Furthermore, you will learn different type of Data Structure and  algorithms for your code. Also you will learn how to find Big-O for every data structure, and how to apply  correct Data Structure to your problem in Java. By the end you will be able to write code that run faster and use low memory. You Also will learn  how to analysis problems using Dynamic programming. 

We will discus code complexity in Different algorithms like Sorting algorithms ( Bubble, Merge, Heap, and quick sort) , searching algorithms ( Binary search, linear search, and Interpolation), Graph algorithms( Binary tree, DFS, BFS, Nearest Neighbor and Shortest path, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and A* Algorithm). and Data Structure like Dynamic Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, and Hash-Table

Who this course is for: Data Structure And Algorithms 

  • Studends who are interested in writing code that run faster and use less memory

  • People who want to apply for job as software engineer or software developer


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xgemini changed the title to Download Data Structure and Algorithms - For Big Tech Interviews Free .
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The link isn’t working anymore, can anyone reshare it, if they have downloaded it.

ndroidLover Hi there, if you have a backup of it, can you please share in dm. Would really appreciate

2 months later
2 years later