1. Night Mode  & THE Light Mode

Now each user can select mode according to their preference.

Screenshots -

Or you can change it from setting -

2. Level Ranks -

You will be ranked according to your participation in the discussions.

For Example -

3. Login to see -

Sorry to say but Now you have to signup or log in to see the links.

For example -

4. Ban IP

(For Future Moderator and Admins)
They can ban Your IP and ID if you do something wrong.

5. Moderation warnings -

These are like strikes … If any user crosses the limit of these strikes We will ban him.

For example, if a user did something wrong one time we will send him 1 strike … And let’s assume the total limit is 5. On the 5th strike, we will ban him.

We will add some rules in few days related to moderation.

6. Social share -

If you want to share any Discussion now you can share easily with the help of this feature on different platforms.

7. Best answer -

Now users can select the best answer on their post.

Let’s assume a user (author of the post) shared a link, after some time the link was expired and another user has shared the working link under the post … then the author of the post/admin/mod can select the best answer.

8. Crop Image -

Now you can crop your image Avatar/Profile pic while uploading.

9. Spoilers -

For example

Welcome to hacksnation.com

You can also create this by using this simple code -

[spoiler] Welcome to hacksnation.com [/spoiler]

10. Profile Views

It shows how many times a profile is viewed.

10. Fancy Box -

Before this feature, you have to open a new tab to view the clear image. Now you just have to click on the image it will open like this shown in pic below (with many features.)

Before -

After -

19 days later

11. Mobile Tab UI - (Not well optimised for Dark Mode)

After Login -

25 days later

Copy Code To Clipboard Added -

we are sharing many cookies/codes. Now you can copy any code with 1 click and the code will be copied to the clipboard, which looks like this -

17 days later

Hot discussions Window (most replied discussions ) Added on the left side on big screens and at the bottom for the small screen sizes

For small screens -

a month later

Follow User - Now you can follow a specific user.

There are 3 levels in it - (Recommend 2nd one - Follow Discussions only else you will receive too many notifications)

  1. Don’t Follow - Don’t receive any notifications for *user’*s activity.
  2. Follow Discussions - Receive notifications when the user starts new a new discussion.
  3. Follow All - Receive notifications when the user starts a new discussion or posts within any discussion.

To Follow any user Go to User Profile > Controls > Follow