Hello ,

thank you for your help

can i have this book

Brutally Honest: No Bullshit Strategies To Evolve Your Creative Business -Emily Ruth Cohen

can u get me this book: Management Principles and Practice by parag diwan

can you get this one ? i cant really find this one for a pretty long time

I also want the UI Pedia – A Complete UI Design Guide


Can you get this one ?

IAPSM’s Textbook of Community Medicine As Per The Competency-based Medical Education Curriculum (NMC)

Can you please share this book, seems not available anywhere


The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (Concentration, Super Memory, Speed Reading, Note-Taking, USM, & Rapid Mental Arithmetic),

Second Edition please

Rocket Recall: Unleash Your Dog’s Desire to Return to You through Motivation-Based Training (Predation Substitute Training)

Thanks in advance!