• Request
  • jayson caspe rtrading course

Hello Guys glad I found this website so many useful things, thank you all for your great work, it has been a while, and am still looking for this trading course, https://jaysoncaspertrading.com/

I checked this forum but didn’t find it anywhere… if anyone has it please share .

thank you very much!

a year later
3 months later

He is a scammmer, don’t purchase anything from him

5 months later
a month later
a month later

Hi everyone, I have all of Jason Casper’s courses. I charge $10 for the Intro to Crypto and Scalping course, $10 for the Advanced course, and $10 for the Phoenix Smart Money course. Contact me on Telegram <https://t.me/rajagoku ](https://t.me/rajagoku). Please don’t message me with just “Hi” or “Hello”—ask directly about the courses.