How to use Github as Temp RDP?
hawkeye09842 What is an index site?
ninja_13 no need to install anything every time.
Just write the package name that you want in the
Like for TeamViewer
brew –cask install teamviewer.
Btw there is no need of installing TeamViewer again and again, it’s already in the default package list.
ninja_13 each job run for 6hr only.
Yes re-run workflow or set a cron job in the workflow file.
sohahm a indexed site my place where i store my own content like courses, movies and some sus files.
hawkeye09842 Oh I got it now. Thank you for explaining it to me.
your windows_remote is too slow .. how I make it better?
EzzAshraf how lol, windows*remote location is in EU region.
and MAcos*remote only in US region.
Try to change ur Remote Desktop client.
I prefer Remmina
would you mind sharing some part of your non sus indexed site so whole community can benefit?
Ok I will try … for ngrok, why the agent “” change after 1 hour
Is there a free RDP support hyper-v? I need it for practice
Main courses and all are in censored folder
EzzAshraf i don’t think so it will change in mid, but if it changes then check agents tab over ngrok site
hawkeye09842 Error: Download failed on Cask ‘qbittorrent’ with message: Download failed:
51Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
ninja_13 make it comment,
#brew –cask install qbittorrent
I already shifted to foxl from qbittorrent
hawkeye09842 Hey bro what is the password for mac vnc?
the Windows RDP after 1 hour becomes unconnected because of ngrok deleting the agent .. that happens many times
repo disable
ninja_13 yea i created backup, i will turn it public after 24hrs