Intellij is the industry standard among all Java developers. Any beginner or expert user of the Java programming language looking to improve their productivity via the best IDEs for Java can greatly benefit from the Intellij Productivity and Debugging Techniques Course. Intellij provides smart code completion, code inspections, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick-fixes, along with automated code refactoring and rich live templates. This course will ensure that you master each and every of those capabilities.
IntelliJ the most powerful and popular Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Java. It is developed and maintained by JetBrains and available as community and ultimate edition. This feature rich IDE enables rapid development and helps in improving code quality.
What is IDE and its benefits?
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is a combination of multiple tools, which make software development process easier, robust and less error-prone. It has following benefits over plain text editor −
Integration with useful tools like compiler, debugger, version control system, build tools, various frameworks, application profilers and so on.
Supports code navigation, code completion, code refactoring and code generation features which boosts development process.
Supports unit testing, integration testing and code coverage via plug-ins.
Provides rich set of plug-ins to enhance IDE functionality further.
Features of IntelliJ
IntelliJ IDEA has some top productive Java code completion features. Its predictive algorithm can accurately assume what a coder is attempting to type, and completes it for him, even if he doesn’t know the exact name of a particular class, member or any other resource.
Who this course is for:
Computer Science Enthusiasts
Software Developers
Software Engineering Students
Back-end developers
Front-end developers
Everyone who want to master Intellij IDE
No prior Java experience required
Desire to learn Intellij IDE and Java
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