- Edited
New Method Azure 200$
1- Go to this site: https://neverinstall.com/
Open a Brave browser with a USA IP address
Open Tor Incognito Browser
Find a new account in Microsoft، The account must be not Outlook
You register on the Microsoft website for a new account and the country of the account is Australia
Then go to this link: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-au/
Follow the steps and when the data comes you choose the country of Australia
You will be asked for a phone number for 100% confirmation You can use and try Talkatone and the SafeUm app to get a number for free
After confirming with a phone number, you put the card information, and this is what Bin CC :
4065875204xxxxxx EX : 02/23 CVV : 000
DATE: Random
CVV: Random
IP : Usa (NordVPN, ExpressVPN, HMA VPN)
You put information for the country of Australia from this site: https://www.fakeaddressgenerator.com/World/au_address_generator