• HQ Leaks
  • Win 11 - ONE PIECE EDITION + High Performance Mode

Download the folder from my shared G-Drive Link.
Read the “How To Install text file”.


This Windows 11 release includes:

“Office 21 already installed do check the Apps and Programs from settings”.

1. Tab explorer check

2. Highest performance mode check

3. Only 11.2gb installed size

4. All components of Microsoft Office 2021 installed preactivated

5. Adobe Acrobat DC Pro installed preactivated

6. Microsoft Store, Xbox, Windows Update,
Windows Feature Update, Windows Defender,
Printing, Remote Desktop, Internet explorer, Hello Face,
Camera, Framework .Net 3.5 are installed and completelty working

7. Bypassed TPM, SecureBoot, RAM, Storage, CPU Check

8. Bypassed Microsoft Account Creation during setup or first boot.

📌📌 To get the highest performance windows 11 some of the heavy memory based services mostly unnecessary services are removed/disabled.📌📌

Activator included on desktop section in more folder incase

2. IOBIT driver booster included on desktop section in more folder to update your display driver or brightness

3. If you want to use microsoft store just enable first the windows update blocker on desktop in more folder

4. Please don’t interrupt the compression during first boot be patient and wait.

Enjoy this release..🍹

I scanned it’s completely fine.
But make sure you do before-hand.

  • xa- likes this.

Thanks! I’ll try Windows 11 for the first time.

Gdrive Folder is empty

  • xa- replied to this.

    Nothing in folder.

    • xa- replied to this.