Adit's Guitar Lessons Courses
SlayerJr It’s not Jaldi, i Shared this channel approx 1 year ago…. You’re Late! not me…..
Bro help please
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CyberianHunter Lesson 3 ke liye time nahi dia hai bhai…Only 5 days. Today was Sunday, that’s why opened the page after a hectic exams. Agar gussa na ho to ( isme only 3rd lesson ka link bhej dijiye. rest I have downloaded
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darks4ber hey can u please forward it to me really needed stage 3 and practical music theory @Piyushgaur934
CyberianHunter bro please forward it to my telegram if anyone ask u can just mention my telegram I will forward to them
If anyone have the course please forward here
can you send me link
CyberianHunter can u mention the sites I can download from there
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darks4ber please bhai forward it here
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Does anyone have all 3 adit’s courses? Please upload. I will reimburse for your time and efforts.
darks4ber have you bought lesson 3 ? Please add me in your telegram group. If you have not yet bought the lesson I will help cover the cost.
darks4ber bro could you please forward the course to me?
You can get nearly all courses , Cookies and Working BINS in Urdu Hindi , Bangla and English Language . This Telegram channel regularly updating and uploading content on their group. Join it and get the course you want .
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plz snd me the course, here my telegrm id: @ujan007