AmigosCode - PROFESSIONAL Full Stack Developer :
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Download - Here
Bros… For first 100 lessons, only lesson 15, 53, 57, 77, 98 and 99 videos are there. There are missing files bro…
Is the course in order ?
xa- its not in order and first part is missing many videos,
ndroidLover link not working bro
GUys download the part 2 first, their you ll get the starting video, then download part 1, ok
xa- Ohh Man! the link you provided have issue some lessons are missing 🧐
there are other lessons missing as well!
SupremeUser missing almost 150-155 lessons 🙄 in this section!
Kindly help us in this case by providing full contents.
I am grateful for your effort. Thank you so much.
That has helped me a lot.
Amigoscode has added some new lessons. Would it be possible to add those to the links to the links too?
And is it possible to put the subtitle separately from the videos?
Hello, author updated the course, can we get new material?
SupremeUser did you download all files? Becauase I have everything
Thank you so much man
@xa- is the course in order?
can you update the course, thanks.
Hi brother, can you please re upload this if you have access to the original paid course?
The videos are very laggy and low resolution, not to mention there is no naming for files and no folder.
Request you to please get the latest one and reupload as I am preparing from this to get a job.
The java masterclass by amigoscode available on hacksnation has very good quality, hope you can give same for this course.
Thank you.
Hi brother, please reupload the updated the course.
Please someone help, lots of files are missing…I need this course in sequence and complete, anyone help