Kimetsu gurusensei Please provide me with your Sub-domain name you want ( and your email address . I will create it and share it with you. Chat is only handling your issues (if you face any).
Kimetsu gurusensei Ok I will invite your mail address for canva in a moment, and I’m providing a sub-domain and not a main domain.
Kimetsu robertlemaire We are providing a sub-domain ( not the main domain name
robertlemaire Kimetsu can you creat if you may a sub-one for me ? for ex: ?
Alvindo Hai, i would like try it. this is my email thank you so much for the giveaway. 🤩
Kimetsu Alvindo Sure, I will invite this email address to Canva. Please let me know the domain name you want as a subdomain of
Kimetsu robertlemaire Sure, I will make you a subdomain of also please provide me your email address. Give me a moment
NoWay159 Hello This is my mail: Sub domaine : Thank you
Kimetsu NoWay159 Hello, I have shared your web hosting details with you privately. Please try logging in and let me know if you need any assistance,
Kimetsu Please post your user id’s, email address and sub-domain name. I will try to complete your request in the morning.