reshamupadhyay viperzella i agree with your advice but only focusing on your career not gonna bring everything you should be improving all areas of your life like your physique, communication skills and self improvement so you can handle all kind of situations in your life

All the failures gonna make you stronger ….!!

Hope this helps

onlyMemories2000 udemy join any telegram channel dedicated to udemy and you will find there daily course which are free and you can get their certification so you can attach it to your resume…!

reshamupadhyay Its completely Okay to have this feelings… my brother ; me and my best friend all had same feeling at your age
Just keep learning that ONE thing which would help you to attain your long term goals

onlyMemories2000 One way is to join telegram groups like @Vishal567 mentioned. Another way is to email directly to the course providers. In most cases they will provide it for 100% free if you’re from a third world country and struggling financially, Most of them will ask for proofs and will provide access to the material once verified. But to be honest a certificate will not even matter, Employers like to see what you can do instead of certificates, Build at least 3-4 really detailed and big projects instead of small shallow ones and start applying for the jobs, You’ll be good.

Like others have said, stop stressing yourself out and putting so much pressure on yourself. There is an overwhelming amount of information available, so getting lost in the unsorted mess of it happens all the time. Take a breath. Stop looking at it like a problem that you need to be solve right away. Instead, think of a general destination you’d like to get to and start moving in that direction. You don’t have to get there tomorrow, but everyday do something that gets you a little closer.

There are some basics that you’ll need for almost any IT job, so start there. A+, networking, security… There a bunch of Roadmaps online that list courses in the order they should be taken for different directions you can go in.

21 days later

First learn c course from udemy

after that learn some pattern questions from striver and kunal

do focus on loops, they are the most important, try to print every pattern they ask

after that do questions from codeforces ladders

(this is the most important step)follow kunal kushwaha or codehelp for DSA

after you complete dsa, do questions on leetcode.
after you are comfortable, you can jump into any tech stack
or even better, you can do simuntaniously

  1. Android Development

  2. Web development

  3. AIML

  4. Data science

  5. ios development

  6. game develop

I recommend between wed and aiml ds

you can apply intern from intershala or linkedin. If you still have any doubts, you can message me!

You can do cp if you want, its not mandatory, but its your wish, i still recoomend because it will improve your probllem solving skills.

all the best bhai.

You are only having this feeling because you are comparing with others, just dont compare ,and start from once, step by step, YOu will reach great heights.
Just dont compare to those other youtubers, codechef rankings, your friends who are performing well etc.
just do your own thing, We are given only one life, why to live in misery, when you can live in happiness? Just dont do anything stupid. You are fine for your age, You already know groups like etc. You can learn most of the stuff for free.
Just learn. Dont get sad, and most importantly dont compare your progress with anyone else. Just do your thing, 100% of the time things wont go your way, but just keep moving forward, If you still want some motivation or something

please watch some dragon ball series. You will truly get inspired.
Go make yourself and your parents proud!
all the best!

My suggestion is to have a healthy environment(what i mean is people , who are laughing and probably making you laugh), if you are 19 as you say you are dont stress dude, be in the environment please talk to somebody anybody who will listen, you will spend less time in your mind more on interacting,
i am hoping whats said by OP is a mislead (seeing as your english is better than half the folks that are in my class) if so spend some time with yourself pinpoint the stressor, is it money? is it job? is it security? is it marriage? may be you can find solution to it. it may not be amicable to everybody in your life but it will ease some of that burden.
just talk to people you will strike up with someone, see the difference once somebody else says “good job” or well done or ur cool, you can move mountains boss, lastly whatever position you are in Just take a step back and breathe…..

11 days later

I know some people might disagree, but I’d recommend you go watch Hamza video’s on YouTube and get yourself on self-improvement as soon as possible. Start training, go on a dopamine detox and most stuff he recommends other than meditation. Once you have done this enough you will start enjoying hard work and get rid of depression and be happier with life and then, pick a certain niche whether it’s a business or freelancing or something start learning it and working until then nobody will solve your problems for you

I believe nowadays people of the age 17-21 are all depressed , it’s normal. I’m not saying this because I don’t understand the severity of your situation. When I was your age, I hit the lowest point of my life in that age too. Now i’m 23 and doing much better mentally and financially.
Now if you really want to improve , your can start so by being consistent in achieving a goal that you want. Once you’re grinding for your goal, you won’t have time to get depressed or have time for suicidal thoughts.