Hi everyone, i hope you all doing well and safe. I have this laptop acer aspire 5750g core i3 2 gen with a 2.2 cpu and a geforce 520m and i would like to know the minimum of FPS it can afford for games like lol, cs go and gta 5 and what games i can run on it , i’ve a 4 gb ddr3 ram . thank you

  • xa- replied to this.


    Geforce 520m is an entry-level dedicated graphics card. I think you can only get between 20 (minimum) and 40 (maximum) in csgo, and 15 to 30 in GTA V or Valorant with 4GB RAM.

      xa- then I should upgrade RAM right to get at least a few boost for the experience! And there’s one more thing when I run lol for example and discord and some few tabs the laptop get warmer will it cause a problem with time or its normal because of high use

      • xa- replied to this.

        THGrounder If you want to play games like GTA, CSGO, Valorant …. Then there is almost no benefit by upgrading RAM because these games need a good GPU … For a casual gamer, 1650 is good, and mostly casual gaming laptops start with 1650 + there are other things that matter like SSD, Refresh rate (very imp), RAM, CPU.

        Yes, upgrading RAM will improve the capability of opening tabs, Discord i.e multitasking but For gaming, it barely improves some FPS (5-10%).

          If you want to improve the performance, I recommend SSD instead of RAM for your laptop … it will boost it up to 2-4x. And you can also use it in your future laptop whereas the RAM that you want to upgrade will be DDR3 and From next year DDR5 motherboard and laptops will be started.