Hey amazing people, thanks for this amazing platform ,

please help me in finding right direction for getting a Good paying JOB in MNC, I’m in 2ndsemBCA(online), i have financial crisis i want to do something for my family, and dont want to wait for completion of degree , so pls guide me what to study, in what time and finally get a JOB at MNC(software dev.)…

    18 days later


    okay brother, I can guide you. Can you tell me like what are your goals? What stacks do you want. to learn? etc?
    okay, never mind that, we will talk about that later, first let me tell you the basic things you need to do first..

    First learn c course from udemy https://www.udemy.com/course/c-programming-for-beginners-programming-in-c/

    after that learn some pattern questions from striver and kunal

    do focus on loops, they are the most important, try to print every pattern they ask

    after that do questions from codeforces ladders

    (this is the most important step)follow kunal kushwaha or codehelp for DSA

    after you complete dsa, do questions on leetcode.
    after you are comfortable, you can jump into any tech stack
    or even better, you can do simuntaniously

    1. Android Development

    2. Web development

    3. AIML

    4. Data science

    5. ios development

    6. game develop

    I recommend between wed and aiml ds

    you can apply intern from intershala or linkedin. If you still have any doubts, you can message me!

    You can do cp if you want, its not mandatory, but its your wish, i still recoomend because it will improve your probllem solving skills.

    all the best bhai.

    You will make your parents proud!

      First get that degree whether you work or not
      then like WhyDoYouCare031 said, and my suggestion is go for web development and assuming time is at your disposal you can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and then you can learn React.JS in like 6 months max and if you are initiated or have help then even less time, then you can be applied/placed as front end developer then you can learn Node.Js then you can apply as a FullStack developer.