• Course
  • The Complete Python Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced

# Learn ethical hacking, penetration testing and network security while working on Python coding projects!

If you would like to master ethical hacking while working on practical Python coding projects, you are going to LOVE this course! Learn Python hacking, ethical hacking, penetration testing, cybersecurity, and more with over 17 hours of HD video tutorials! This course was designed for students interested in intermediate to advanced-level ethical hacking tutorials, however, it is still taught in a step-by-step, beginner-friendly method.

We will begin with coding basic port and vulnerability scanning tools, move on to SSH, FTP, and spoofing attacks, take a look at network analysis, and finish up with coding a reverse shell, command and control centre, and several website penetration testing tools. Upon completing this course, you will be prepared for a job in the cybersecurity industry.


πŸ”— Lessons 1-5 Lessons 6-8 Lessons 9-11

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