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Want To buy Coursera Premium Subscription to support the website

  • xa- likes this.

Bro prices have been raised by a lot since last time I was here? I remember Mega 3M account used to be around ā‚¹800?

Canva is working properly.But please consider my request.It will help me a lot. I highly recommend your service.
Provides reasonable service for the amount paid.

  • xa- replied to this.
  • xa- likes this.

    xa- Hi, need CanvaPro Lifetime please contact

    • xa- likes this.

    hey @xa- , so if I understand this correctly, new users will not be able to purchase here as you skipped my last request?

    • xa- replied to this.
    • xa- likes this.


      Hey sorry we skipped you ā€¦ Please check private discussion, we have opened one for you.

      hey @xa- i want cloud computer do you have membership for it ?

      Thank you @xa- for the Coursera Premium account. Excellent service and very responsive.

      • xa- replied to this.
      • xa- likes this.

        Hello @xa- ,

        I am Interested in Edu Mail please open a private discussion

        Thanks in advance

        • xa- likes this.