hgupta06 Hey does this course contain only 26 videos ,can someone confirm and if not so how many total videos are there.
dkdkkddk so i have a mac high sierra with unarchiver downloaded the first zip part but confused couldn’t get the rest to work. i’m sorry, i did read the instructions but don’t know what i’m doing wrong.
Robert_California dkdkkddk names of file are not right. recheck and make sure after comparing with the names in mega link.
dkdkkddk Robert_California got it to work thanks so much. but was only 27 videos and one updates html was that correct? part 7 had a part 1 and part 2.
Robert_California lickmyguns you mean the course? if so then it depends on who’s watching. Might be the best for some and not for someone else.
Mthierera lickmyguns do you mean the course content? his youtube videos are somewhat good, whats bad with this ?
colonizer1162 tried downloading the .001 file and extracting on mobile app called unzip but it ain’t working, says the archive is incomplete
Robert_California colonizer1162 you need to download al the files in a same folder, and then you extract .001, and it will ask for a pass and you need to enter 123 then