letsfind Hi, yes I am able to access it. I am not sure why you are unable to access it. Please logout of your mega account if you are already logged in and clear the cookies. Now connect to a VPN and try again. This is one possible solution. For me it does work without a VPN.

If you are seeing any error page, kindly screenshot the page and share it. The mega server is working fine, so there must be some issue in your end.

16 days later
4 days later

itsme01 Unable to download BharatAcharya courses in the 14TB MEGA drive. Failed: Violation of Terms and Service.

Anyone have a copy and is willing to share his courses? I would really appreciate to have a copy of the PDF notes for learning.

Not Working… File is Deleted

can anybody plz share the link

Pls share the Updated link

5 days later