Hi can anyone kindly help me get this for free, for studying purposes:
Thank you so much in advance!
Hi can anyone kindly help me get this for free, for studying purposes:
Thank you so much in advance!
Hi! can anyone help me for this template? ultimate finance-tracker
honeycookii i also am in need of this
i found new good template https://nas.io/protagonists/products/asft
please share if possible ,
thank you
Rick055 Thank you so much!
Anyone have gamified life OS? Good day!
Hello everyone, can anyone help me get this one? Is a studies tracker, it has really clean visuals and good utility.
Rick055 hey thank you for the template, by any chance do you have this template
https://mustafarrag.gumroad.com/l/dlvwcz , seems too good of a habit tracker
Student Planner - https://graphicleart.gumroad.com/l/student-planner-os-notion
Purple Template - https://graphicleart.gumroad.com/l/notion-purple-template
Please help me find these templates, if available.
I have recently discovered this channel called “Better Creating” & the templates are creative, so if anyone has access, kindly share
Source: https://www.bettercreating.com/downloads
There are a bunch of templates, I am specifically looking for the combined version, but if anyone has any of the templates, that would be very much helpful as well.
Does anyone have the Easlo Second Brain? I just got scammed trying to buy it from someone on Telegram. This is so messed up. This is what im referring too.
Second Brain Notion Template (notionsecondbrain.com)
I would greatly appreciate it if somebody would share it here for all of us to enjoy!
TraderXXX Enjoy Brother :
A Subscribe Would Be Appreciated
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@EliteAssistant
TopGishere how do you install/import that lol.
thanks for sharing :)
itsmehim Create a zip file and import it in notion
I’m desperately looking for Easlo’s Freelance OS template (https://easlo.gumroad.com/l/freelanceos?layout=profile&recommended_by=search). Does anyone have it? You would be a lifesaver!
I just started my business and I’m trying to save as much as possible. Thank you in advance!
elegantyogurt Did you find it?
Looking to get the enhanced gameified template! https://makeworkfun.club/personal/