Fiverr has just released their new level system. There is a huge venerability in this system.

You can easily target any seller now to de-rank his account level from 2 to 1 or 1 to zero.

Here is how:

Fiverr as of now is considering canceled orders as a potential factor to be counted in seller’s success score. Unlike previously, in the new system it is also counting the orders cancelled without submitting the requirements. So, we can manipulate any seller’s account using this trick.

  1. Find a seller account that you want to target.

  2. Place two orders of minimum amount like $5 or so.

  3. Cancel the first order and place the 3rd order. Then cancel the second order and place the 4th order. Cancel the 3rd order and place the 5th order. Keep going on as you wish.

Do cancel all the orders without submitting the requirements. In this way the seller won’t be able to block you.

Fiverr counts these cancelled orders to determine the sellers success rate. The seller will loose its level for sure in the coming days. That’s it.


18 days later