Dropbox Essentials 3 TB for 1 year


  • Connected to ITALY, go to Dropbox.com/plans
  • Choose the plan: ‘Essentials’ and ‘buy directly’
  • Create an account and select ‘Automatic Debit’ for payment
  • Enter IBAN, copy and paste the name and IBAN, Postal code: 00185
  • Accept the payment and you will have a Dropbox
  • Check the subscription in Billing: ‘Receipt’ or ‘Invoice’
  • IP : [ ITALY ]

DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/plans
IBAN: https://outputter.io/full-identity/italy/

    The payment has been refused. Contact your bank to enable the card for online use and/or re-enter the correct card details again.

      It’s working on my side but the question is how long will it last. Let’s hope for the best :D. Thanks @Gammadot

      lets just hope for the best that it would last for 1year

      The thing is that Dropbox is offering 1 or 3 months trial for some packages. Maybe that’s the case.

      in billing section it is asking for credit card not iban

      It will auto remove after 1 week active 3TB