Currently, when you visit a secure site, Google Chrome will display a little locked icon indicating that your communication with the site is encrypted, as shown below.
Security indicator shown in address bar
As most website communication is now secure, Google is testing a new feature that removes the lock icon for secure sites. This feature is available to test in Chrome 93 Beta, and Chrome 94 Canary builds by enabling the ‘Omnibox Updated connection security indicators’ flag.
Security indicators to be removed in Google Chrome
With this feature enabled, Google Chrome will only display security indicators when the site is not secure, as shown below.
Showing ‘Not secure’ indicator for insecure sites
For businesses who wish to have continued HTTPS security indicators, Google has added an enterprise policy for Chrome 93 named ‘LockIconInAddressBarEnabled’ that can be used to enable the lock icon again on the address bar.
How to fix this ?
You can visit the article.
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