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  • [Download] Maven Analytics - Become a EXCEL SPECIALIST For Free

a month later
2 months later

Now is 12 courses en 88 h
could you update it, please 🙏

    2 months later
    7 months later
    7 months later

    do anyone have mega link without zip file, separeted folders which we can watch online

    2 months later

    Thank you for offering such a valuable course experience. However, I must bring to your attention a discrepancy. It appears that the Practice Test Resources files for the MO-201 Excel Expert module are currently unavailable for download. This absence has impacted my ability to fully engage with the material. I kindly request your assistance in rectifying this issue to ensure that all students can benefit from the complete resources associated with the course

    For your convenience, I have located a possible source for the missing files at the
    URL: https://mavenanalytics-my.sharepoint.com/personal/aaron_mavenanalytics_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Faaron_mavenanalytics_onmicrosoft_com%2FDocuments%2FExcel%20Exam%20MO-201%20-%20Microsoft%20Excel%20Expert&ga=1
    Addressing this issue promptly will significantly enhance the course’s success and the satisfaction of all participants.

    23 days later

    Thank you for offering such a valuable course experience. However, I must bring to your attention a discrepancy. It appears that the Pivottable case studies Resources files for the EXCEL PIVOT TABLES & CHARTS module are currently unavailable for download. This absence has impacted my ability to fully engage with the material. I kindly request your assistance in rectifying this issue to ensure that all students can benefit from the complete resources associated with the course

    • rero replied to this.
      7 months later

      azharahamed can you upload just the projects please 🙏

      9 days later

      Is this has the guide projects ?

      2 months later

      Thanks for these files , is there any possibility for updates as well ? Since it has been close to 3 years it would be really really helpful.