[Download] Maven Analytics - Become a EXCEL SPECIALIST For Free
Brother second link was showing 0 folder size
Now is 12 courses en 88 h
could you update it, please 🙏
12345623 I can help you set up Megabastered to bypass th download limit
Todays_Life plzzz help, tell me how I bypass the limit
how we can download large file
do anyone have mega link without zip file, separeted folders which we can watch online
Thank you for offering such a valuable course experience. However, I must bring to your attention a discrepancy. It appears that the Practice Test Resources files for the MO-201 Excel Expert module are currently unavailable for download. This absence has impacted my ability to fully engage with the material. I kindly request your assistance in rectifying this issue to ensure that all students can benefit from the complete resources associated with the course
For your convenience, I have located a possible source for the missing files at the
URL: https://mavenanalytics-my.sharepoint.com/personal/aaron_mavenanalytics_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Faaron_mavenanalytics_onmicrosoft_com%2FDocuments%2FExcel%20Exam%20MO-201%20-%20Microsoft%20Excel%20Expert&ga=1
Addressing this issue promptly will significantly enhance the course’s success and the satisfaction of all participants.
For your convenience, I have located a possible source for the missing files at the
Addressing this issue promptly will significantly enhance the course’s success and the satisfaction of all participants.
Thank you for offering such a valuable course experience. However, I must bring to your attention a discrepancy. It appears that the Pivottable case studies Resources files for the EXCEL PIVOT TABLES & CHARTS module are currently unavailable for download. This absence has impacted my ability to fully engage with the material. I kindly request your assistance in rectifying this issue to ensure that all students can benefit from the complete resources associated with the course
azharahamed can you upload just the projects please 🙏
Is this has the guide projects ?
Thanks for these files , is there any possibility for updates as well ? Since it has been close to 3 years it would be really really helpful.