• Request

Hello! Hacksnation’s Admin and Community People.

First of all, I deeply thank you all for your good work, providing education for free.

I happened to learn many things that I had interest on, with help of this site, and that too for absolutely free.

I have a request, and if possible kindly provide this.

Thank you so much in advance.

Course Name: FIT-X Body Recompostion Program

A well tone physique is no more a dream with Body Recomposition program.

Link: https://www.fitx120.com/body-recomposition

5 months later

Why is my thread not yet approved?

a month later
4 months later

Does anyone have this course?

2 years later
2 months later

Can anybody share the link or offline videos for the entire Fitx120 course?

I actually bought the fitx120 course 2 years back. It was very beneficial for me to learn the basics and not only apply the knowledge to myself but also to teach my friends. I am not able to look into the course again.

Please do help if somebody has the entire course content offline.