Hi, Its not working. Can you please update the link?.
Download [iNeuron] Full Stack Data Science Full Course
AnkitKashyap Hi Ankit, do you by any chance happen to have the Big Data Masters course from iNeuron. If you do, kindly share the course with us. Thanks!
Course link : https://ineuron.ai/course/Big-Data-Masters-Tech-Neuron
SumitaSharma If i find it then i will surely share .
How to download without limit of 5gb from mega link that you shared??
AnkitKashyap Thanks Bro
Hi @AnkitKashyap , Do you have TrendyTech Big Data Course by any chance.
If you do, kindly share the course with us. Thanks!
Course Link :- https://trendytech.in/
SiddharthVerma No bro i don’t have this .
mega link here enjoy : chrome-extension://bigefpfhnfcobdlfbedofhhaibnlghod/mega/secure.html#folder/v7R0BCjZ#k9ILPiuJ2S3UoyYIlsCTPA
SumitaSharma share your telegram id, i have mega links
llamacenter bro can you plz send me as well 🙏
Telegram id - @Shreyash_130
KingMaker11 why not, obviously
llamacenter Can you send too? please. Telegram id: hellowaleed
llamacenter Hello, can you plz share with me as well?
Telegram id - sidd_0027
llamacenter Thanks bro
llamacenter hello willu plz send me
Dream_BOY409 my tg id
here is the link guys
llamacenter My telegram - @Bluecore22. Thank you so much!
llamacenter Bro this is Full stack data science. can you share ineuron big-data course ?
llamacenter Thanks to @“AnkitKashyap” I already got the DS course. Now, I actually wanted the Big Data Masters course from iNeuron. Kindly share the course with us if you can. Thanks!
Course link : https://ineuron.ai/course/Big-Data-Masters-Tech-Neuron