Holy shit awesome! where did you get this, what is the main source?

    bossman The person calling themselves TeapotUberHacker is apparently trying to sell the source code for GTA 5 and an unspecified number of confidential documents for GTA 6. The hacker leaked several dozen videos of gameplay from GTA 6 earlier today and claims to have stolen the source code for both GTA 5 and GTA 6. They also claim to be the hacker responsible for the recent attack on Uber, thus the name.

    “Here are 90 footage/ clips from GTA 6,” TeapotUberHacker announced on GTA Forums. “It’s possible I could leak more data soon, GTA 5 and 6 source code and assets, GTA 6 testing

      Link will expire soon download fast

      5 days later

      for research purposes, thank you

      7 months later

      Link is removed. Update the link bro