kajomit44 @“kaka87”#p83 kaka87 I Just found bought Jayson Casper very cheap it’s very good got all the file + live stream 25 $and both for 50$ if you want to check it out here is the link - https://t.me/Jasoncasper
Iknow I want price action course by gaurav jain Plzz provide Course link - https://rpy.club/NewTraderHelp
Maoky Can you please share the following courses? Thanks in advance. Prosperity Academy https://prosperity-academy.thrivecart.com/smc-vault Faiz SMC https://faiz-s-school-5f39.thinkific.com/courses/smc-faiz-trading Smart Money Source https://smartmoneyway.com Diamant Capital https://www.diamant-capital.com/collections Blitz SMC https://launchpass.com/bilzsmc/mentorship Trading HUB 3.0 https://tradinghub.taplink.ws The Secret Mindset https://thesecretmindset.podia.com/academy
rmm Please do not purchase anything from this scammer. I bought courses from him, but he only provided half of the course. When I asked for the rest, he blocked me
rajagoku Hi everyone, I have all of Jason Casper’s courses. I charge $10 for the Intro to Crypto and Scalping course, $10 for the Advanced course, and $10 for the Phoenix Smart Money course. Contact me on Telegram (https://t.me/rajagoku). Please don’t message me with just “Hi” or “Hello”—ask directly about the courses.
Baptistetyu Udated Download Links: 1: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QfgzMhvLOCnbhjfm01 2: https://mega.nz/file/xIvbnhGZrvuBNqvGxblQQN18hPMUI 3: https://gofile.io/d/CF894Bj5gxFcree7