danish123 SarmaAkondi Can you please try to upload part 2 of this course? DSB4 201-P” (Python for Machine Learning and APIs https://university.business-science.io/p/ds4b-201-p-machine-learning-and-apis-with-python
SivaShankaran Thank you xgemini for uploading this it helps many. Please upload “DSB4 201-P” (Python for Machine Learning and APIs) as well brother!
GabrielGael I follow you on hacksnation, man could you give me tips on sites where you find courses. Or some torrent tracker Thanks
danish123 Waiting if any one can upload https://university.business-science.io/p/ds4b-201-p-machine-learning-and-apis-with-python Python for Machine Learning and APIs (Course 2)
ravichandran @xgemini please make this course available: https://university.business-science.io/p/ds4b-101-r-business-analysis-r
Donovansd updated Download links ( free ): 1: https://mega.nz/file/lhduhscvf8fJIfgthjklm 2: https://mega.nz/file/hidfnbhytxIvbnhGZr2qvGx 4: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ljhel1QgzfgzMhvLO