• Request
  • [Request] I need this E-BOOK [ 5000 Years Ancient old Secrets of Women]

AleeMax it’s the same concept, you dumb man, you don’t know about gumroad marketing they present you a new cover with a new description of the same old original book to get money this is the real one original print and the gumroad one is the copy just cover change and description, and btw you want the concept to understand or the gumroad book just to satisfy your ego bro? if

    AleeMax yeah I have the idea of book ancient-old-secrets-of-women lol women secrets there are plenty of books like this i just give you the real one still you want to khow about women asnd so called ancienttt secrets deeply then get a women and ask her personally she will tell you more than any book about herself and other women lool

    @HeavenBorn Please stop being sassy. This is a peaceful community, and it is important to let it be that way.

    AleeMax Hey, at least you can thank him for providing something for the community. If you don’t want to use it, that’s fine, but it’s important to show gratitude for the effort that has been put in.

      Okay I’ve explored different recourses and I was unable to find a copy anywhere , can we group buy I am willing to put 60 percent of the total money if you all together contribute 40 percent I can buy it and share , contact me on telegram https://t.me/Saketgokhale if you are willing

      i mean seriously? you all guys? its just 30 fucking dollar book cant you buy your own? and here you all are joining the community for how to make money etc and you don’t even have 30$? seriously???

        HeavenBorn I’ve been avoiding you and your retard messages , if you’re so rich and can buy every course why are you scrolling through a piracy forum , moreover your share irrelevant files and pull down other people who try to help.

        Anyways I am confident that I make more in a month than you make in a year , have a successful business, have half a crore lying idle in my bank acc yet you don’t seem to understand how money works “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship” , and I am pretty sure you are a 9-5 wage cuck.

        As for the eBook I have already bought it , uploaded to mega and as I was about to share I saw your message , I am now thinking not to share it and let the owner enjoy his sales

          h b@“Arya”#p80101 this is my business mate, i have a site am a digital marketer and a Professional penetration tester lol don’t you have common sense?? this community is for helping people to get better in business life learning not about sex love etc redpill shit you dumb, and about you said you are rich but still rich and fool and manipulator you already bought but cant share with these people who want, who cant bought you ask money like 60 40 you and you said you rich? yeah may be through not with mind and heart. ( and you said you help people fuck me, if you want to help you already bought this ebook then you already shared not asking for 60 40 shit thing broo? get a break you are sharing ohh? really you cheap mindset if you want to help these good people who want this book you already shared and about me i dont need this i have already many like this shits go get a girlfriend you simp and ohh i see you are a indian that is why you asking 60 40) suits you. and yeah you indian mindset think like exactly you are telling me you are make more than me you are right mate and yeah dont share with these people and let people khow you are a little real cuck who want 60 40 and still he call himself rich etc lol and show your mindset trigger you and now you make all these people suffer too by not sharing this shows your little girl jealous mindset

            HeavenBorn digital marketer and a Professional penetration tester

            Lmao this is worse than a wage cuck , you can’t make even 30 L in two years , yeah I was about to share but I don’t want you to get this shit for free

            HeavenBorn this community is for helping people to get better in business life

            Accha who said this , muh buisness yet wage slaving for others

            HeavenBorn yeah you indian mindset

            “Indian Mindset” here we go inferiority complex everything Indian is cheap/bad and even the most degenerate shit from west is good , you may also be a closet homosexual I presume , also get a foreign sperm donor for your future child if you hate “India / Indians” ( i highly doubt you are capable of procreating)

              Aryavrat again you prove you are wothless and fool lol why would i want ebook? already told you man have common sense, haha you again triggered you little childish boy, just say straight that you dont want to share book at the beginning coz of me you get the chance to say no for a reason little girl and am not indian but i do have a lot of friends here in london lol even they say you are that type of indians whom they call lower cast,. cheap mindset etc i hope you understand. this is last response from me coz you are dumb jealous guy simple.

                sayless yeah you are right mate. hope u are good and insecure too, to put attention on him coz you want to book lol you dont even khow how to talk and you call me a piece of shit. Sad