Devanshu3 Cannot register with temp Edu email. But you can buy it on net about $10.
ABCamargarh Not work on Canva, they only accept real edu emails.
- Edited
- Go to
- Search .edu (delete, until you find like this,
- Sign up wirh canva using nexo edu mail
- Then, refreash page,
- Clikck
- Signup now
- Congrats!
- Unli Canva edu, reapeat 1-7 or change email, you can use 1edu mail to create unli canva edu
Free Canva edu
chimdansung you need a college email address, which i have
BadongComito incorrect password
ABCamargarh it is kinda UI design platform.. like designing web/mobile app prototype…thing
BadongComito after following your steps, I found that Canva demands 3-5 samples of learning resources that you have created from scratch. What to upload there?
Z33 Thank you
BadongComito can you plz elaborate that sign up process !!
BadongComito it would be a great help if you create one edu account for me if possible.
BadongComito I just created an edu account with temp mail but how would I know that mine is edu account ? Thanks
Canva edu:
How you bypassed the document verification section?
What details you filled there…can you please guide
AbhishekSoni DM me, I will explain