AyrtonSenna Seriously 2015 🤮
Do you have coursera one? Or you enrolled?
How is this for getting a Job perspective?
AyrtonSenna Seriously 2015 🤮
Do you have coursera one? Or you enrolled?
How is this for getting a Job perspective?
vikalp816 It’s to learn how to make android apps for freelancer, I already know how to program intermediate Java, and I want to learn Kotlin to make apps. I’ll try downloading Coursera course, because seems to be a good course, better than others that I’ve seen.
AyrtonSenna I am also in the same situation, Currently learning Android from GFG. Looking for something to learn to get hired from my non-tech to tech profile.
Looking for udacity c++ course. Please help
Seems that the program course Meta Android developer in Coursera isn’t finished yet, many courses in that program not available, they will be available only in 2023.
If anyone be able to download the new Become an Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree would be really cool, it would help a lot.
Will try
keshavanath try this link
vgs4vgs Pls share Android Kotlin Nanodegree (Updated) if you have
vgs4vgs thanks for the link. will check it out
vgs4vgs Yes, basic and advanced. Updated one please.
Blockchain_Developer_Nanodegree_Program - Udacity - Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program
Data_Structures_and_Algorithms_Nanodegree - Udacity - Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree
AI_Programming_with_Python_Nanodegree - Udacity - AI Programming with Python Nanodegree 5
Programming_for_Data_Science_Nanodegree - Udacity - Programming for Data Science Nanodegree 2
Front-End_Web_Developer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree 15
Natural Language Processing Nanodegree - Udacity - Natural Language Processing Nanodegree 3
Computer_Vision_Nanodegree - Udacity - Computer Vision Nanodegree 1
Deep_Reinforcement_Learning_Nanodegree - Udacity - Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree 3
Become_a_Professional_React_Developer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Become a Professional React Developer Nanodegree 4
Java_Developer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree 3
Android_Basics_Nanodegree_by_Google - Udacity - Android Basics Nanodegree by Google 4
Robotics_Software_Engineer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree 4
Digital_Marketing_Nanodegree - Udacity - Digital Marketing Nanodegree 12
Intro_to_Self-Driving_Cars_Nanodegree - Udacity- Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree
Machine_Learning_Engineer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree
Android_Developer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Android Developer Nanodegree
Data_Scientist_Nanodegree - Udacity - Data Scientist Nanodegree
Intro_to_Programming_Nanodegree - Udacity - Intro to Programming Nanodegree v3 8
Self_Driving_Car_Engineer_Nanodegree - Udacity - Self Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree
any updates on these dead links??
UX Design for Mobile Developers - By Udacity.rar (734.6 MB) - https://mega.nz/file/15lE1KbI#KEGIPnxpXb9qCRTOm5i13gq8v45AV4M_ZCOB2V3P11Q
UDACITY - Machine Learning Scholarship Program for Microsoft Azure (1.87 GB) - https://mega.nz/file/188mka7I#6RJcWbLeiodA2yob8q6g7UgcQP3nR1sxzFVfeti-tNM
Deep_Learning_Foundation - http://www.mediafire.com/file/l90744p92nk7efg/Udacity-Deep_Learning_Foundation.rar/file (5.55 GB)
Artificial_Intelligence_AI_for_Trading - http://www.mediafire.com/file/5ngqy4wlphm9lj8/Udacity-Artificial_Intelligence_AI_for_Trading.rar/file (5.86 GB)
Can you please share the downloaded link of security analyst nannodegree from udacity
thanks for this!!
Are all of them from 2020 above
vgs4vgs Hey, have you got any updated version?