1. Go to https://www.skillshare.com/en/browse
2. Select a Course and COPY the LINK of that Course
3. Head over to https://skillshare.heckernohecking.repl.co/
4. Paste the LINK and CLICK on the HECK Button
5. Watch/ Download your Course!
You can Watch Online/ Download the Courses of Skillshare using the Simple Trick:
This somehow never worked for me! I always get an ‘Internal Server Error’ page. Someone had already posted this before.
RajuRajaram Oh really, I don’t know but it works for me
Im also getting Internal server error
RajuRajaram : Can you also try to get this course pls
Linux with Shell Programming,SED,AWK and many more
Kiddyshade share the course link
@bak34 , @BlindS8ul Is there any method to download udemy courses like this?
RajuRajaram Try other browser
Kiddyshade no idea
Does anybody have geeksforgeeks DSA self paced course pls send me
share me your discord id i’ll do it
tnx bro ..i love u
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
for this just copy-paste the course number on the URL that’s all