I have never come across any videos and file that you couldn’t download.
( Request ) Chase hughes mastery course
Can someone post fresh link?
You have backup then please share
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Hey guys, I have the mastery course, and I want the Operative six course by him. I would be happy to trade if you got his op 6 course :)
Jirrid kindly share.
can someone share their backup for these bundled courses?
ghostmeme Operative Six Course? It sounds like a new course.
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kovesoc213 Indeed it is, it was released on his app and only advertised with this reel (https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz2a3IErjcX/) outside of it.
The only place I found that seems to have it is this one https://www.greatxcourses.com/courses/the-operative-six-by-chase-hughes-free-download-course/ but they look kinda scammy to me honestly, idk
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I appreciate your response.
Taking a look at the trailer seems like a rehash of his other courses…but I could be wrong. Also, the second link takes time to load, but after seeing the “Free Download” clickbait feels like a sketchy site.
Good luck…