• Request
  • ( Request ) Chase hughes mastery course

Hey guys, I have the mastery course, and I want the Operative six course by him. I would be happy to trade if you got his op 6 course :)

    Jirrid just share it and accept our gratitude, and you will be helped in the future. mastery course is publiced and available for 10$, it’s not worth it for anyone to trade

    Jirrid I’m also looking for the operative six course, but it seems like only one place has it for now

    can someone share their backup for these bundled courses?


    I appreciate your response.

    Taking a look at the trailer seems like a rehash of his other courses…but I could be wrong. Also, the second link takes time to load, but after seeing the “Free Download” clickbait feels like a sketchy site.

    Good luck…

      kovesoc213 Yes, I’ve done some research and they’re definitely scammers. I’ll wait until it shows up on more reliable sources, eventually.

        6 days later

        nolimyt3 I’d be grateful for the OP6 course if you have it. Can potentially trade The Behaviour Panel course

          bexcellence I’m exactly in the same spot, I don’t even know if there’s an updated mastery program going around

            could you please send the old one. I assume it is good on its own.