TCS NQT+Digital complete course by PrepInsta
+! need it
i am looking for same…
I will post the link tomorrow!!!
HeyDevil pleas epost the link
@HeyDevil,The mega link is loading for 30mins how big the file was???
AZAZELSTAR 4 tb but it actually depends on your speed mine took like 10 seconds
Depends on your internet speed. For me it took around 5 minutes.
Take only things that you need! Import it.
HeyDevil bro can u post prepinsta new tcs course plz?
moviestuffofficialHD I will update here if I find it.
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get tcs nqt exam ans please join the telegram link ass soon as possibe:
HeyDevil Bro this link is outdated, Kindly Please reupload it.
HeyDevil Bro Can you please reshare the link ..
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HeyDevil Bro, could u please share the link. It’s not working. my mail is or here
how to you guys get these courses ??
krishna1434 hey did you get the course, if yes then can you share with me
HeyDevil can share the MEGA link to my mail
HeyDevil Pls Re-upload TCS NQT Course Please