NomadMGS Vilen Hey man I saw that you asked about frontend simplified before and got a link, Did you happen to download it then because it seems to have been removed (The Shared Link). Would appreciate any help :)
BharatSuthar For sanket singh spring boot latest course private group, let me know on telegram @willing_kane123
imposter2610 does anyone have sanket singh for free
ArkyoSarkar Does anyone have this Sanket Singh course DSA in Javascript : Please let me know
FresherrDeveloper Dont Buy anything from AadishMandal on telegram. he is fraud. he tooks money and then dont reply.
SouravDas2837 FresherrDeveloper which course did u buyed? I was thinking of buying Sanket singh mern course nd was searching for authentic sellers
crueldevil123 FresherrDeveloper He AadishMandal looted me also for 700rs For DSA in JS. Now he blocked me.