[Request] Steven Kotler - Zero to Dangerous
this adds a hell lot of value to our hacksnation community . LET’S RAISE OUR VOICE NOW!!!
Kostas18211 DId you find the course ?
Kostas18211 any method how to save it in gdrive
from tutflix
These are their instructions, you have to create an API key in your google account to connect. Google it, it shouldn’t take much time.
Kostas18211 But I didn’t understand it can you provide me direct gdrive link so I can download it brother
I don’t know how this works exactly, but I cannot share it, I don’t have it in my gdrive. Just follow the instructions on the site. You have to like the post from the Overview page, then click “Go to download” on the top right and follow the instructions from there. Basically you have to create a google API key https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key. Then connect your account from this download page and you are set.
Kostas18211 but I didn’t know how to create api key I am trying but it doesn’t work for me and Where you store that course can you give me direct link
After spending 1 hour I was able to create custom auth and now downloading it one by one, 11 parts.
- Edited
I got the course, dm me for the link on telegram t.me/freecoursesi
Kostas18211 Thanks dude!! I got them all but it seems the folders are jumbled
can u share the link
- Open share.tutflix.org
- Login your Google account
- Copy this in folder box 80UlaySPNbWyFHO/+amQps1uOctYmySvi+jpGvzUGv+ty0VW4v0eFIJuG48ZHTMAQiqKUUU/CqnY8IbjpQ==
- Select the filed and press copy
- They will added in your Google drive
leonine1989 You are a LEGEND! This is a new trick/way I know, very much appreciate it 🤩🙏
Taek-Jembret Welcome and Enjoy
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