Or if anyone has access to course please reshare a link
TechWorld With Nana - The Ultimate Course for IT Beginners
9 days later
Link not working
Linke not working
Here is the mega link : https://justpaste.it/aigfl :)
6 days later
ndroidLover the link is not working please help
a month later
this is link of devops course of techworld with nana , but here we want it beginners course
Helloo please provide link of correct course
5 days later
Anyone got the course link?
7 days later
SyedAaribHasan can you please upload it and share the link the provided link is not working
2 months later
can someone reupload this please?
7 months later
danm link expire or something else
Someone should reupload pls
5 days later
Inherent get at downloadly.ir
6 months later
the new devsecops course: https://hacksnation.com/d/31164-devsecops-bootcamp-techworld-with-nanacom
ramez Does not work
18 days later
CamilleBernard same not working !?
Please can you refresh the link
7 days later
These links are not working
6 months later